Season 1
S01E01In the Beginning
In this first episode, we see that most early humans believed the earth was flat and the sky was solid. They used the motions of the stars as a calendar to predict the seasons.
S01E02Ionian Science
We meet three Ionian philosophers who laid the groundwork for future scientific inquiry: Thales of Miletus, Anaximander, and Pythagoras.
S01E03A Whirlwind of New Ideas
We encounter a mess of ideas, along with two philosophers who pondered the nature of the celestial bodies and one who changed the course of Western philosophy: Anaxagoras, Philolaus, and Socrates.
S01E04Eudoxus (and Plato)
Eudoxus created the first geometric model of planetary motion at the behest of Plato, who founded the first institution of higher learning: the Academy. Later, Heracleides proposed that the earth spins on an axis.
S01E05Aristotle (and Alexander)
Aristotle, the Father of Science, insisted on the importance of empirical evidence in his theories. His most famous student, Alexander the Great, spread Greek culture throughout much of the West.
S01E06Aristotelian Physics
Aristotle tried to base his physics on actual observations of the world, but due to inadequate observations and hidden assumptions, nearly all of it is wrong.
Season 2
S02E01Alexandria, the Library, the Museum and Strato
After the death of Alexander the Great, the intellectual center of the Greek world shifted from Athens to Alexandria.
S02E02Aristarchus and the Size of the Cosmos
1,800 years before Copernicus, Aristarchus measured the relative sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon and conjectured that the Sun was at the center of the cosmos, and the Earth revolved around it and rotated on its axis.